Coalescent simulator

EggLib includes in this module a simulator based on the standard coalescent for diploid individuals with partial, and optional, self-fertilization. More details are given in a section of the manual.

The class coalesce.Simulator manages all parameters and lets the user run coalescence simulations. The other classes defined in this module help managing parameters.

egglib.coalesce.Simulator(num_pop[, migr])

Manager of the coalescent simulator.


dict-like class managing parameters.

egglib.coalesce.ParamList(getter, setter, ...)

list-like class managing values for a parameter.

egglib.coalesce.ParamMatrix(getter, setter, ...)

list-like class managing values for a parameter as a matrix.

egglib.coalesce.EventList(npop, add, clear)

Class storing the list of demographic events.

class egglib.coalesce.Simulator(num_pop, migr=0.0, **kwargs)[source]

Manager of the coalescent simulator. The constructor takes arguments controlling the demographic and mutation models used for simulation. Only the number of populations is required at the time of construction. Once it is set, it can be never modified. Other constructor arguments are all optional and can be set or modified later using the params instance attribute (either using its update() method or the [] operator, such as in simulator.params['theta'] = 2.85. Keyword arguments are passed as is to update(). List-based parameters can be set if all values are provided in a sequence. Matrix-based parameters cannot be set here.

  • num_pop – number of populations.

  • migr – migration rate.

Other keyword arguments can be any of the parameters defined in the table below.





Number of populations

None, required


Number of sites

0 (ISM)


Fixed number of mutations



\(4N_0\mu\) parameter



\(4N_0c\) parameter



Mutation model (among KAM, IAM, SMM and TPM)



Probability parameter of TPM



Shape parameter of TPM



Number of alleles for KAM



Pick start allele randomly for KAM (boolean)



Number of sampled chromosomes (per population)

0 for all


Number of sampled individuals (per population)

0 for all


Population size, expressed relatively to \(N_0\) (per population)

1.0 for all


Exponential growth/decline rate, negative values mean decline (per population)

0.0 for all


Population selfing probability (per population)

0.0 for all


Site position, as values between 0.0 and 1.0 (per site)

Equally spread


Site mutation weight, controlling the relative probability of sites (per site)

1.0 for all


Pairwise migration rate matrix (the diagonal cannot be set)

0.0 for all


Matrix of transition weights between pairs of alleles

1.0 for all


List of events added by the user



Maximum number of iterations


The following table presents the categories of events that can be added to the events list using add().

Event code




Change population size

T – date (1)

N – new size

idx – population index (2)


Change all migration rate

T – date (1)

M – migration rate (all pairwise migration rates are set to M/(num_pop-1))


Change pairwise migration rate

T – date (1)

M – pairwise migration rate

src – source population index

dst – destination population index


Change population exponential growth/decline rate

T – date (1)

G – new rate

idx – population index (2)


Change population self-fertilization rate

T – date (1)

s – new rate

idx – population index (2)


Change recombination rate

T – date (1)

R – new rate


Apply a bottleneck

T – date (1)

S – bottleneck strength (3)

idx – population index (2)


Move lineages from one population to another

T – date (1)

proba – migration probability (in [0,1] range

src – source population index

dst – destination population index


Merge a population to another (take all lineages from src, move them to dst, and remove src

T – date (1)

src – source population index

dst – destination population index


Perform a delayed a some point in the past in one of the populations

T – date (1)

idx – population index

label – group label (4)

num_chrom – number of sampled chromosomes

num_indiv – number of sampled individuals

  1. Time is expressed in units of \(4N_0\) generations.

  2. If idx is omitted, the event is applied to all populations at once.

  3. Bottleneck strength is expressed in time units. A bottleneck is implemented as a period of time during which coalescences are the only event allowed to occur.

  4. The label of delayed sample can be set to the same value than the populations index (in this case, delayed samples will have the same label than normal samples from the same population), or to a different label, as the user’s option.

The parameters num_chrom, num_indiv, N, G, s, site_pos, and site_weight are represented by ParamList instances that behave like lists (except that their length cannot be changed). In particular, ParamList support subscript indexing and it can also be initialized by passing a sequence. The parameters migr_matrix and trans_matrix are represented by ParamMatrix instances that support a double-index subscript system to read/changes values (as in params['migr_matrix'][i,j] to access the value at row i and column j. Diagonal values are read as None and cannot be changed. Finally, events is represented by a EventList instance that exhibit limited list functionality and provides methods to add, read, and modify events. See this class for more information about out editing the list of events.



An Align instance containing simulated data for the current iteration of iter_simul().


Simulation parameters of this instance.


iter_simul(nrepet[, cs, dest_trees])

Perform several simulations.


Perform a single simulation.

property align

An Align instance containing simulated data for the current iteration of iter_simul(). The data in this instance will be updated at each iteration round, and deleted at the end of the iteration. If it must be copied, a deep copy is required (typically with Align.create()).

iter_simul(nrepet, cs=None, dest_trees=None, **feed_params)[source]

Perform several simulations. Simulations are conditioned on the current value of parameters stored in params. Return an iterator that will loop over the requested number of simulations. The simulated alignments are always available at each iteration loop as the instance attribute align. By default, all iterations return a reference to this instance, but if cs is specified a dictionary of statistics is returned at each simulation.

  • nrepet – number of simulations. If None, iterate for ever (you are required to use break in loop with your own stopping criterion is reach).

  • csComputeStats instance properly configured to compute statistics from simulated data. If cs is specified, each iteration round will yield the dictionary of statistics obtained from process_align() called on this object. See also cs_filter and cs_struct.

  • dest_trees – a list in which simulated trees will be appended. Since each simulation can yield several trees (because of recombination), a new sub-list will be appended for each simulation, with one item for each tree. Each tree covered a defined region of the simulated chromosome, so each item of each sub-list will be (tree, start, stop) tuple with tree as a new Tree instance, and start and stop as the start and stop positions (real numbers comprised between 0 and 1). If recombination occurred, trees will not be sorted within their sub-list. If recombination did not occur, each simulation will be represented by a list with a single tuple. Any previously data contained in dest_tree is left untouched.

  • feed_params – other arguments provide sequences of values for any parameter (except num_pop), allowing to modify any set of parameters between simulations. All changes are permanent and affect any later simulation. All additional options must be in the key=value format, with have one of the parameters as key, and a sequence of values as value. All sequences must be of length at least equal to nrepet. If longer, additional values are ignored. For list-based parameters, each value must be a (index, value) tuple and, for matrix-based parameters, each value must be a (index1, index2, value) tuple.


An iterator, yielding a reference to align if cs is None, or otherwise a dictionary of computed statistics.

property params

Simulation parameters of this instance. This object is a instance of ParamDict, which is a clone of dict that does not let the users add or remove parameters, but lets them modify values of parameters (similarly, the number of items of per-population or per-site parameters cannot be modified).


Perform a single simulation. The simulation is conditioned on the current value of parameters stored in params.


dest – An Align to reset using simulated data. All previous data will be lost.


A new Align instance containing the simulated data unless dest is specified (otherwise None).


The method iter_simul() can be much more efficient. For performance-critical applications, its use is recommended.

class egglib.coalesce.ParamDict(npop)[source]

dict-like class managing parameters. Do most of what a dictionary does except for adding and removing keys. The order of parameters is fixed and consistent.

In addition to the methods documented below, ParamDict instances support the following operations (where params in one instance):




Number of parameters


Get the value of parameter key

params[key] = value

Assign value to parameter key (see note below)

for key in params

Same as for key in params.keys()


Reversed iterator

key in params

Check if key in a parameter name


Representation of the instance as a dict

Note that the params[key] = value expression is straightforward only for parameters that have a single value. For parameters represented by a ParamList instance, this expression is only supported if the right-hand operand is a sequence of matching length (in order to set all values at once). For parameters represented by a ParamMatrix instance, this expression is only supported if the right-hand operand is another ParamMatrix instance of matching dimension. For events, this expression is not supported at all. In all cases where params[key] returns ParamList, ParamMatrix or a EventList instance, the returned value can be modified using its own methods.


add_event(cat, T, **params)

Add an event to the list.


Shallow copy.


Disable transition weight matrix.

get(key[, default])

Get a parameter value.


Import parameter values.


Tell if a parameter exists.


Iterator over content of the instance.


Iterator over the parameter names.

mk_structure([skip_indiv, outgroup_label])

Create structure object.


Set migration rates.


Parameter summary.


Import parameter values.


Iterator over the parameter values.

add_event(cat, T, **params)[source]

Add an event to the list. See the documentation for the class Simulator for more details on what is expected as arguments.

  • cat – category of the event.

  • T – date of the event.

  • params – all needed parameters for this category of events.


Shallow copy. Return a shallow copy of this instance. All modifications of the values of either copy will modify the other one (even modification of integer, float and string parameters).


Disable transition weight matrix. Disable the matrix of weights of transition between alleles (it is disabled by default, and automatically activated i any value is set). This sets all weights to 1.0.

get(key, default=None)[source]

Get a parameter value. Return the value for key if key is one of the parameters, else return the value passed as default (by default, None). This method therefore never raises a KeyError.


Import parameter values. Update the dictionary with values from another ParamDict instance (with the same numbers of populations and sites).


Tell if a parameter exists. Return a boolean indicating if the passed name is one of the parameters.


Iterator over content of the instance. Each iteration round yield a (key, value) parameter name and value pair.


Iterator over the parameter names.

mk_structure(skip_indiv=False, outgroup_label=None)[source]

Create structure object. Export a Structure instance containing the structure information corresponding to currently loaded simulation parameters.

  • skip_indiv – this argument determines whether the individuals level should be skipped (if True, alleles from each given individual are treated as belonging to separate haploid individuals.

  • outgroup_label

    this argument indicates the label of the outgroup population. It must be passed as a string. Default value is None.


    The individual level cannot be processed if the ploidy is not constant (mixing sampled chromosomes and sampled individuals).


A new Structure instance.


Set migration rates. Set all pairwise migration rates to value/(num_pop-1).


Parameter summary. Return a string displaying all current values of parameters at the level of the C++ simulator. Use for debugging only, as the format is not guaranteed to be stable.

update(other=None, **kwargs)[source]

Import parameter values. Update the dictionary with the (key, value) parameter name and value pairs from the object passed as other, overwriting existing keys and raising a KeyError exception if an unknown parameter name is met.

Accepts dict instances, or else any iterable of (key, value) pairs. If keyword arguments are specified, the instance is then updated with those, as in param_dict.update(theta=5.0, recomb=2.5).


Iterator over the parameter values.

class egglib.coalesce.ParamList(getter, setter, num_values, check_item)[source]

list-like class managing values for a parameter. Do most of what a list does except for adding and removing values. No methods reverse() and sort() are provided either as they make little sense. Expressions involving the + and * arithmetic operators are supported, but return genuine list instances that are disconnected from the original parameter holder.

In addition to the methods documented below, ParamList instances support the following operations (where items is a ParamList instance):




Number of items


Get ith item


Slice from i to j


Slice from i to j with step k

items[i] = value

Assign value to parameter key

items[i:j] = values

Replace a slice of values (with a sequence of the same length)

items[i:j:k] = values

Replace a slice of values (with a sequence of the same length)

for item in items

Iterates over items


Reversed iterator

item in items

Check if item is present among items

items + other

Same as list(items) + other (returns a list)

items * n

Same as list(items) * n (returns a list)


Representation of the instance as a list

The indexing operator ([]) supports negative indexes (to count from the end) and slices operators, just as for the built-in type list. However, all operators (such as del) or methods (such as append(), extend(), remove()) that would change the length of the list are not available.



Number of items that are equal to value.

index(value[, imin, imax])

Index of the first value matching value.


Number of items that are equal to value.

index(value, imin=0, imax=None)[source]

Index of the first value matching value. The returned value is >=imin and <imax if they are provided. Raise a ValueError if the value is not found.

class egglib.coalesce.ParamMatrix(getter, setter, num_values, check_item, check_active, set_active)[source]

list-like class managing values for a parameter as a matrix. Similar to ParamList except that it holds a matrix. It therefore implements less methods (no support for + and * operators, no slices) and use double indexing system as in matrix[i, j] = x, allowing both setting and getting values. The iterator, such as in for i in matrix, flattens the matrix, returning all values from the first row, then those from the second tow, and so on (replacing the diagonal values by None). len(matrix) returns the dimension (number of rows, which is the same as the number of columns).

In addition to the methods documented below, ParamMatrix instances support the following operations (where matrix is a ParamMatrix instance):




Size of the matrix (as number of rows/colums)


Get jth item of the ith row (None for diagonal)

matrix[i,j] = value

Assign value to (i,j)th item (no diagonal)

for item in matrix

Iterates over items (row-first flat iteration)


Reversed iterator

item in matrix

Check if item is present among items


Representation of the instance as a nested list (including diagonal)

It is not possible to slice-set ranges of values in the matrix, but one can set all values at once from a compatible source with get_values().



Number of items that are equal to value.


Import parameter values.

index(value[, imin, imax, jmin, jmax])

Get the index of a given value.


Number of items that are equal to value.


Import parameter values. Get all values from other, which must be another ParamMatrix or a nested sequence (such as a list or list). The dimension of other must be the same as the current instance. Not that in the input object is not a ParamMatrix, any value it can have on the diagonal will be ignored (but they must be present to avoid shifting indexes).

index(value, imin=0, imax=None, jmin=0, jmax=None)[source]

Get the index of a given value. Return the (i, j) tuple of indexes of the first value (iterating first over rows and then over columns) matching value. The returned row index is >=imin and <imax and the returns column index is >=jmin and <jmax if they are provided. Raise a ValueError if the value is not found. The diagonal is not considered.

class egglib.coalesce.EventList(npop, add, clear)[source]

Class storing the list of demographic events. Even if events appear as unsorted, they are internally sorted so that the user does not have to care about their order. This class has limited functionality: add events (but not removing them), accessing and modifying parameters.

In addition to the methods documented below, EventList instances support the following operations (where events is an EventList instance):




Number of events currently loaded


Dctionary with parameters of the ith event (see note)

for event in events

Same as for i in range(len(events)): event = events[i]


Representation of the instance, roughly as a list

The string representation is such as a string at the first level, but each event is represented as an angle-bracketed delimited string containing comma-separated key=value pairs with the parameter as key and its value as value (with an additional key, event_index, providing the index of the event in the list).


There is no way to modify content of the instance using the indexing operator events[i]. One must use update().

More information on the list of events and their parameters is available in the documentation for class Simulator.


add(cat, T, **params)

Add an event to the list.


Clear list of events.


Replace list of events.

update(event_index, **params)

Modify any parameter from one of the event of the list.

add(cat, T, **params)[source]

Add an event to the list. See the documentation for the class Simulator for more details on what is expected as arguments.

  • cat – category of the event.

  • T – date of the event.

  • params – all needed parameters for this category of events.


Clear list of events.


Replace list of events. Replace own list of events with the one in the EventList instance passed as other. The current list of events is dropped.

update(event_index, **params)[source]

Modify any parameter from one of the event of the list. If an event’s date is modified, sorting will be updated automatically.

  • event_index – index of the event to modify (based on the order in which events have been specified with add(), which is the same order as events appear when representing the instance or iterating).

  • params – keyword arguments specifying what parameters to modify. Only parameters that have to be changed should be specified.