Source code for egglib.coalesce._param_helpers

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from .. import eggwrapper as _eggwrapper
from .. import stats, _interface

[docs]class ParamDict(object): """ :class:`dict`-like class managing parameters. Do most of what a dictionary does except for adding and removing keys. The order of parameters is fixed and consistent. In addition to the methods documented below, :class:`.ParamDict` instances support the following operations (where ``params`` in one instance): +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |Expression | Action | +========================+========================================================+ |``len(params)`` | Number of parameters | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |``params[key]`` | Get the value of parameter ``key`` | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |``params[key] = value`` | Assign ``value`` to parameter ``key`` (see note below) | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |``for key in params`` | Same as ``for key in params.keys()`` | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |``reversed(params)`` | Reversed iterator | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |``key in params`` | Check if ``key`` in a parameter name | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |``str(params)`` | Representation of the instance as a :class:`dict` | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ Note that the ``params[key] = value`` expression is straightforward only for parameters that have a single value. For parameters represented by a :class:`.ParamList` instance, this expression is only supported if the right-hand operand is a sequence of matching length (in order to set all values at once). For parameters represented by a :class:`.ParamMatrix` instance, this expression is only supported if the right-hand operand is another :class:`.ParamMatrix` instance of matching dimension. For ``events``, this expression is not supported at all. In all cases where ``params[key]`` returns :class:`.ParamList`, :class:`.ParamMatrix` or a :class:`.EventList` instance, the returned value can be modified using its own methods. """ _keys = ['num_pop', 'num_sites', 'recomb', 'theta', 'num_mut', 'mut_model', 'TPM_proba', 'TPM_param', 'num_alleles', 'rand_start', 'num_chrom', 'num_indiv', 'N', 'G', 's', 'site_pos', 'site_weight', 'migr_matrix', 'trans_matrix', 'events', 'max_iter'] # sub-lists with only parameters that can be changed between # simulations _keys_scalar = ['num_sites', 'recomb', 'theta', 'num_mut', 'mut_model', 'TPM_proba', 'TPM_param', 'num_alleles', 'rand_start'] _keys_list = ['num_chrom', 'num_indiv', 'N', 'G', 's', 'site_pos', 'site_weight'] _keys_matrix = ['migr_matrix', 'trans_matrix'] def __init__(self, npop): if not isinstance(npop, int): raise TypeError('invalid type for `npop`') if npop < 1: raise ValueError('invalid value for `npop`') self._params = _eggwrapper.Params(npop, 0.0) self._migr = self._params.M() self._params.set_L(0) self._npop = npop self._num_chrom = ParamList(getter=self._params.get_n1, setter=self._params.set_n1, num_values=npop, check_item=lambda x: x>=0) self._num_indiv = ParamList(getter=self._params.get_n2, setter=self._params.set_n2, num_values=npop, check_item=lambda x: x>=0) self._N = ParamList(getter=self._params.get_N, setter=self._params.set_N, num_values=npop, check_item=lambda x: x>0.0) self._G = ParamList(getter=self._params.get_G, setter=self._params.set_G, num_values=npop, check_item=lambda x: True) self._s = ParamList(getter=self._params.get_s, setter=self._params.set_s, num_values=npop, check_item=lambda x: x>=0.0 and x<=1.0) self._site_pos = ParamList(getter=self._params.get_sitePos, setter=self._params.set_sitePos, num_values=0, check_item=lambda x: x>=0.0 and x<=1.0) self._site_weight = ParamList(getter=self._params.get_siteW, setter=self._params.set_siteW, num_values=0, check_item=lambda x: x>0.0) self._migr_matrix = ParamMatrix(getter=self._migr.get_pair, setter=self._migr.set_pair, num_values=npop, check_item=lambda x:x>=0.0, check_active=lambda: True, set_active=None) self._trans_matrix = ParamMatrix(getter=self._params.get_transW_pair, setter=self._params.set_transW_pair, num_values=2, check_item=lambda x:x>0.0, check_active=lambda: self._params.get_transW_matrix(), set_active=self._params.set_transW_matrix) self._events = EventList(npop=npop, add=self._params.addChange, clear=self._params.clearChanges)
[docs] def disable_trans_matrix(self): """ Disable transition weight matrix. Disable the matrix of weights of transition between alleles (it is disabled by default, and automatically activated i any value is set). This sets all weights to 1.0. """ self._params.set_transW_matrix(False)
[docs] def get_values(self, other): """ Import parameter values. Update the dictionary with values from another :class:`.ParamDict` instance (with the same numbers of populations and sites). """ if not isinstance(other, ParamDict): raise TypeError('`other` should be a `ParamDict` instance') self['num_sites'] = other['num_sites'] self['num_alleles'] = other['num_alleles'] for k in self._keys: if k not in ['num_pop', 'num_sites', 'num_alleles', 'events']: self[k] = other[k] self._events.replace(other._events)
[docs] def summary(self): """ Parameter summary. Return a string displaying all current values of parameters at the level of the C++ simulator. Use for debugging only, as the format is not guaranteed to be stable. """ return self._params.summary()
def _set(self, key, values): # alternative setter if key in self._keys_scalar: self[key] = values elif key in self._keys_list: self[key][values[0]] = values[1] elif key in self._keys_matrix: self[key][values[0], values[1]] = values[2] else: raise KeyError('this parameter cannot be modified between simulations')
[docs] def set_migr(self, value): """ Set migration rates. Set all pairwise migration rates to ``value/(num_pop-1)``. """ if value < 0.0: raise ValueError('invalid value for `migr`') self._migr.set_all(value)
[docs] def mk_structure(self, skip_indiv=False, outgroup_label=None): """ Create structure object. Export a :class:`.Structure` instance containing the structure information corresponding to currently loaded simulation parameters. :param skip_indiv: this argument determines whether the individuals level should be skipped (if ``True``, alleles from each given individual are treated as belonging to separate haploid individuals. :param outgroup_label: this argument indicates the label of the outgroup population. It must be passed as a string. Default value is None. .. warning:: The individual level cannot be processed if the ploidy is not constant (mixing sampled chromosomes and sampled individuals). :return: A new :class:`.Structure` instance. """ # process populations struct_ing = {None: {}} struct_out = {} cnt_sam = 0 cnt_idv = 0 for k in range(self._npop): # get list of sample indexes (as a list of tuples/per individual) sam_start = cnt_sam idv = [(sam_start+i*2, sam_start+i*2+1) for i in range(self._params.get_n2(k))] sam_start += 2*len(idv) idv.extend([(sam_start+i,) for i in range(self._params.get_n1(k))]) cnt_sam += 2*self._params.get_n2(k) + self._params.get_n1(k) # process population if skip_indiv: idv = [(j,) for i in idv for j in i] idv = dict(zip(map(str, range(cnt_idv, cnt_idv+len(idv))), idv)) if outgroup_label != None and k == int(outgroup_label): struct_out = idv else: struct_ing[None][str(k)] = idv cnt_idv += len(idv) # process delayed samples if self._params.nDSChanges() > 0: for event in self._events: if event['cat'] == 'sample': k = event['label'] idv = [(cnt_sam+i*2, cnt_sam+i*2+1) for i in range(event['num_indiv'])] idv.extend([(cnt_sam+i,) for i in range(event['num_chrom'])]) cnt_sam += 2 * event['num_indiv'] + event['num_chrom'] if skip_indiv: idv = [(j,) for i in idv for j in i] idv = dict(zip(map(str, range(cnt_idv, cnt_idv+len(idv))), idv)) if outgroup_label != None and k == int(outgroup_label): struct_out = idv else: if str(k) not in struct_ing[None]: struct_ing[None][str(k)] = {} struct_ing[None][str(k)].update(idv) cnt_idv += len(idv) if len(struct_ing[None]) == 0: raise ValueError('cannot generate structure') return _interface.struct_from_dict(struct_ing, struct_out)
#################################################################### # below: dict-like methods ####################################################################
[docs] def has_key(self, key): """ Tell if a parameter exists. Return a boolean indicating if the passed name is one of the parameters. """ return key in self._keys
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """ Get a parameter value. Return the value for *key* if *key* is one of the parameters, else return the value passed as *default* (by default, ``None``). This method therefore never raises a :exc:`KeyError`. """ if key in self._keys: return self[key] return default
def __iter__(self): for key in self._keys: yield key
[docs] def keys(self): """ Iterator over the parameter names. """ for key in self._keys: yield key
[docs] def values(self): """ Iterator over the parameter values. """ for key in self._keys: yield self[key]
[docs] def items(self): """ Iterator over content of the instance. Each iteration round yield a ``(key, value)`` parameter name and value pair. """ for key in self._keys: yield key, self[key]
[docs] def copy(self): """ Shallow copy. Return a shallow copy of this instance. All modifications of the values of either copy will modify the other one (even modification of integer, float and string parameters). """ ret = ParamDict(self._npop) ret._params = self._params return ret
[docs] def update(self, other=None, **kwargs): """ Import parameter values. Update the dictionary with the ``(key, value)`` parameter name and value pairs from the object passed as *other*, overwriting existing keys and raising a :exc:`KeyError` exception if an unknown parameter name is met. Accepts :class:`dict` instances, or else any iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs. If keyword arguments are specified, the instance is then updated with those, as in ``param_dict.update(theta=5.0, recomb=2.5)``. """ if isinstance(other, ParamDict): self.get_values(other) elif other is not None: if 'num_sites' in other: self['num_sites'] = other['num_sites'] if 'num_alleles' in other: self['num_alleles'] = other['num_alleles'] try: iter_ = other.items() except AttributeError: iter_ = iter(other) for k, v in iter_: self[k] = v if 'num_sites' in kwargs: self['num_sites'] = kwargs['num_sites'] del kwargs['num_sites'] if 'num_alleles' in kwargs: self['num_alleles'] = kwargs['num_alleles'] del kwargs['num_alleles'] for k, v in kwargs.items(): self[k] = v
def __len__(self): return len(self._keys) def __reversed__(self): for key in reversed(self._keys): yield key def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._keys def __str__(self): return str(dict(self.items())) def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 'num_pop': return self._npop elif key == 'num_sites': return self._params.get_L() elif key == 'recomb': return self._params.get_R() elif key == 'theta': return self._params.get_theta() elif key == 'num_mut': return self._params.get_fixed() elif key == 'mut_model': model = self._params.get_mutmodel() if model == _eggwrapper.Params.KAM: return 'KAM' elif model == _eggwrapper.Params.IAM: return 'IAM' elif model == _eggwrapper.Params.SMM: return 'SMM' elif model == _eggwrapper.Params.TPM: return 'TPM' elif key == 'TPM_proba': return self._params.get_TPMproba() elif key == 'TPM_param': return self._params.get_TPMparam() elif key == 'num_alleles': return self._params.get_K() elif key == 'rand_start': return self._params.get_random_start_allele() elif key == 'num_chrom': return self._num_chrom elif key == 'num_indiv': return self._num_indiv elif key == 'N': return self._N elif key == 'G': return self._G elif key == 's': return self._s elif key == 'site_pos': return self._site_pos elif key == 'site_weight': return self._site_weight elif key == 'migr_matrix': return self._migr_matrix elif key == 'trans_matrix': return self._trans_matrix elif key == 'events': return self._events elif key == 'max_iter': return self._params.get_max_iter() else: raise KeyError('invalid parameter name: {0}'.format(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key == 'num_pop': raise ValueError('the number of populations is read-only (it must be set at construction time)') elif key == 'num_sites': if value < 0: raise ValueError('invalid value for `{0}`'.format(key)) self._params.set_L(value) self._site_pos._num_values = value self._site_weight._num_values = value if value > 0: self._params.autoSitePos() elif key == 'recomb': if value < 0.0: raise ValueError('invalid value for `{0}`'.format(key)) self._params.set_R(value) elif key == 'theta': if value < 0: raise ValueError('invalid value for `{0}`'.format(key)) if value > 0.0 and self._params.get_fixed() > 0.0: raise ValueError('it is not allowed to set both theta and the number of mutations to non-zero') self._params.set_theta(value) elif key == 'num_mut': if value < 0: raise ValueError('invalid value for `{0}`'.format(key)) if value > 0.0 and self._params.get_theta() > 0.0: raise ValueError('it is not allowed to set both theta and the number of mutations to non-zero') self._params.set_fixed(value) elif key == 'mut_model': if value == 'KAM': self._params.set_mutmodel(_eggwrapper.Params.KAM) elif value == 'IAM': self._params.set_mutmodel(_eggwrapper.Params.IAM) elif value == 'SMM': self._params.set_mutmodel(_eggwrapper.Params.SMM) elif value == 'TPM': self._params.set_mutmodel(_eggwrapper.Params.TPM) else: raise ValueError('invalid value for `{0}`'.format(key)) elif key == 'TPM_proba': if value < 0 or value > 1: raise ValueError('invalid value for `{0}`'.format(key)) self._params.set_TPMproba(value) elif key == 'TPM_param': if value < 0 or value > 1: raise ValueError('invalid value for `{0}`'.format(key)) self._params.set_TPMparam(value) elif key == 'num_alleles': if value < 2: raise ValueError('invalid value for `{0}`'.format(key)) self._params.set_K(value) self._trans_matrix._num_values = value elif key == 'rand_start': self._params.set_random_start_allele(value) elif key == 'max_iter': if value < 0: raise ValueError('maximum number of iterations cannot be negative') self._params.set_max_iter(value) elif key == 'num_chrom': self._num_chrom[:] = value elif key == 'num_indiv': self._num_indiv[:] = value elif key == 'N': self._N[:] = value elif key == 'G': self._G[:] = value elif key == 's': self._s[:] = value elif key == 'site_pos': self._site_pos[:] = value elif key == 'site_weight': self._site_weight[:] = value elif key == 'migr_matrix': self._migr_matrix.get_values(value) elif key == 'trans_matrix': self._trans_matrix.get_values(value) elif key == 'events': raise ValueError('cannot replace the list of events as a whole') else: raise KeyError('invalid parameter name: `{0}`'.format(key))
[docs] def add_event(self, cat, T, **params): """ Add an event to the list. See the documentation for the class :class:`.Simulator` for more details on what is expected as arguments. :param cat: category of the event. :param T: date of the event. :param params: all needed parameters for this category of events. """ self._events.add(cat, T, **params)
[docs]class ParamList(object): """ :class:`list`-like class managing values for a parameter. Do most of what a list does except for adding and removing values. No methods :meth:`!reverse` and :meth:`!sort` are provided either as they make little sense. Expressions involving the ``+`` and ``*`` arithmetic operators are supported, but return genuine :class:`list` instances that are disconnected from the original parameter holder. In addition to the methods documented below, :class:`.ParamList` instances support the following operations (where ``items`` is a :class:`.ParamList` instance): +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Expression | Action | +==========================+================================================================+ |``len(items)`` | Number of items | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``items[i]`` | Get *i*\ th item | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``items[i:j]`` | Slice from *i* to *j* | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``items[i:j:k]`` | Slice from *i* to *j* with step *k* | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``items[i] = value`` | Assign ``value`` to parameter ``key`` | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``items[i:j] = values`` | Replace a slice of values (with a sequence of the same length) | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``items[i:j:k] = values`` | Replace a slice of values (with a sequence of the same length) | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``for item in items`` | Iterates over items | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``reversed(items)`` | Reversed iterator | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``item in items`` | Check if ``item`` is present among items | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``items + other`` | Same as ``list(items) + other`` (returns a :class:`list`) | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``items * n`` | Same as ``list(items) * n`` (returns a :class:`list`) | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |``str(items)`` | Representation of the instance as a list | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ The indexing operator (``[]``) supports negative indexes (to count from the end) and slices operators, just as for the built-in type :class:`list`. However, all operators (such as ``del``) or methods (such as :meth:`!append`, :meth:`!extend`, :meth:`!remove`) that would change the length of the list are not available. """ def __init__(self, getter, setter, num_values, check_item): self._getter = getter self._setter = setter self._num_values = num_values self._check_item = check_item def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): return tuple(map(self.__getitem__, range(*index.indices(self._num_values)))) else: if index < 0: index = self._num_values + index if index >= self._num_values: raise ValueError('list index out of range') return self._getter(index) def __setitem__(self, index, value): if isinstance(index, slice): rng = list(range(*index.indices(self._num_values))) if len(rng) != len(value): raise ValueError('number of values is required to match number of indexes for a slice assignment') for i, v in zip(rng, value): if self._check_item(v) == False: raise ValueError('value out of range') self._setter(i, v) else: if index < 0: index = self._num_values + index if index >= self._num_values: raise ValueError('list index out of range') if self._check_item(value) == False: raise ValueError('value out of range') self._setter(index, value) def __iter__(self): for i in range(self._num_values): yield self._getter(i)
[docs] def count(self, value): """ Number of items that are equal to *value*. """ cnt = 0 for i in range(self._num_values): if self._getter(i) == value: cnt += 1 return cnt
[docs] def index(self, value, imin=0, imax=None): """ Index of the first value matching *value*. The returned value is ``>=imin`` and ``<imax`` if they are provided. Raise a :exc:`ValueError` if the value is not found. """ if imax is None: imax = self._num_values for i in range(imin, imax): if self._getter(i) == value: return i else: raise ValueError('{0} is not in list'.format(value))
def __add__(self, other): return list(self) + other def __radd__(self, other): return other + list(self) def __mul__(self, num): return list(self) * num def __rmul__(self, num): return num * list(self) def __contains__(self, value): for i in range(self._num_values): if self._getter(i) == value: return True else: return False def __len__(self): return self._num_values def __str__(self): return str(list(self)) def __repr__(self): if self._num_values <= 10: return str(list(self)) else: return '<list of {0} values>'.format(self._num_values) def __reversed__(self): for i in reversed(range(self._num_values)): yield self._getter(i)
[docs]class ParamMatrix(object): """ :class:`list`-like class managing values for a parameter as a matrix. Similar to :class:`.ParamList` except that it holds a matrix. It therefore implements less methods (no support for ``+`` and ``*`` operators, no slices) and use double indexing system as in ``matrix[i, j] = x``, allowing both setting and getting values. The iterator, such as in ``for i in matrix``, flattens the matrix, returning all values from the first row, then those from the second tow, and so on (replacing the diagonal values by ``None``). ``len(matrix)`` returns the dimension (number of rows, which is the same as the number of columns). In addition to the methods documented below, :class:`.ParamMatrix` instances support the following operations (where ``matrix`` is a :class:`.ParamMatrix` instance): +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Expression | Action | +==========================+======================================================================+ |``len(matrix)`` | Size of the matrix (as number of rows/colums) | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |``matrix[i,j]`` | Get *j*\ th item of the *i*\ th row (``None`` for diagonal) | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |``matrix[i,j] = value`` | Assign ``value`` to *(i,j)*\ th item (no diagonal) | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |``for item in matrix`` | Iterates over items (row-first *flat* iteration) | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |``reversed(matrix)`` | Reversed iterator | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |``item in matrix`` | Check if ``item`` is present among items | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |``str(matrix)`` | Representation of the instance as a nested list (including diagonal) | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ It is not possible to slice-set ranges of values in the matrix, but one can set all values at once from a compatible source with :meth:`~.ParamMatrix.get_values`. """ def __init__(self, getter, setter, num_values, check_item, check_active, set_active): self._getter = getter self._setter = setter self._num_values = num_values self._check_item = check_item self._check_active = check_active self._set_active = set_active
[docs] def get_values(self, other): """ Import parameter values. Get all values from *other*, which must be another :class:`.ParamMatrix` or a nested sequence (such as a :class:`list` or :class:`list`). The dimension of *other* must be the same as the current instance. Not that in the input object is not a :class:`.ParamMatrix`, any value it can have on the diagonal will be ignored (but they must be present to avoid shifting indexes). """ if isinstance(other, ParamMatrix): if other._num_values != self._num_values: raise ValueError('`other` must have the same dimension') if not other._check_active(): if self._check_active(): self._set_active(False) return if not self._check_active(): self._set_active(True) for i in range(self._num_values): for j in range(self._num_values): if i != j: self._setter(i, j, other._getter(i, j)) # use of other._getter requires that number has been checked else: if not self._check_active(): self._set_active(True) if len(other) != self._num_values: raise ValueError('`other` must have the same dimension') for i, row in enumerate(other): if len(row) != self._num_values: raise ValueError('`other` must have the same dimension') for j, value in enumerate(row): if i != j: if self._check_item(value) == False: raise ValueError('value out of range') self._setter(i, j, value)
def __getitem__(self, idx): if len(idx) != 2: raise ValueError('expect a tuple of two values') if idx[0] < 0: idx[0] = self._num_values + idx[0] if idx[1] < 0: idx[1] = self._num_values + idx[1] if idx[0] >= self._num_values: raise ValueError('matrix index out of range') if idx[1] >= self._num_values: raise ValueError('matrix index out of range') if idx[0] == idx[1]: return None return self._getter(idx[0], idx[1]) def __setitem__(self, idx, value): if len(idx) != 2: raise ValueError('expect a tuple of two values') if idx[0] < 0: idx[0] = self._num_values + idx[0] if idx[1] < 0: idx[1] = self._num_values + idx[1] if idx[0] >= self._num_values: raise ValueError('matrix index out of range') if idx[1] >= self._num_values: raise ValueError('matrix index out of range') if idx[0] == idx[1]: if value is not None: raise ValueError('cannot set matrix diagonal to a value different than `None`') else: return if self._check_item(value) == False: raise ValueError('value out of range') if not self._check_active(): self._set_active(True) self._setter(idx[0], idx[1], value) def __iter__(self): for i in range(self._num_values): for j in range(self._num_values): if i == j: yield None else: yield self._getter(i, j)
[docs] def count(self, value): """ Number of items that are equal to *value*. """ cnt = 0 for i in range(self._num_values): for j in range(self._num_values): if i!=j and self._getter(i, j) == value: cnt += 1 return cnt
[docs] def index(self, value, imin=0, imax=None, jmin=0, jmax=None): """ Get the index of a given value. Return the ``(i, j)`` tuple of indexes of the first value (iterating first over rows and then over columns) matching *value*. The returned row index is >=imin and <imax and the returns column index is >=jmin and <jmax if they are provided. Raise a :exc:`ValueError` if the value is not found. The diagonal is not considered. """ if imax is None: imax = self._num_values if jmax is None: jmax = self._num_values for i in range(imin, imax): for j in range(jmin, jmax): if i!=j and self._getter(i, j) == value: return (i, j) else: raise ValueError('{0} is not in matrix'.format(value))
def __contains__(self, value): for i in range(self._num_values): for j in range(self._num_values): if i!=j and self._getter(i, j) == value: return True else: return False def __len__(self): return self._num_values def __str__(self): return str([[self[i,j] for j in range(self._num_values)] for i in range(self._num_values)]) def __repr__(self): if self._num_values <= 4: return str([[self[i,j] for j in range(self._num_values)] for i in range(self._num_values)]) else: return '<matrix of {0}*{0} values>'.format(self._num_values) def __reversed__(self): for i in reversed(range(self._num_values)): for j in reversed(range(self._num_values)): if i == j: yield None else: yield self._getter(i, j)
[docs]class EventList(object): """ Class storing the list of demographic events. Even if events appear as unsorted, they are internally sorted so that the user does not have to care about their order. This class has limited functionality: add events (but not removing them), accessing and modifying parameters. In addition to the methods documented below, :class:`.EventList` instances support the following operations (where ``events`` is an :class:`.EventList` instance): +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Expression | Action | +==========================+======================================================================+ | ``len(events)`` | Number of events currently loaded | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``events[i]`` | Dctionary with parameters of the *i*\ th event (see note) | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``for event in events`` | Same as ``for i in range(len(events)): event = events[i]`` | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``str(events)``` | Representation of the instance, roughly as a list | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ The string representation is such as a string at the first level, but each event is represented as an angle-bracketed delimited string containing comma-separated ``key=value`` pairs with the parameter as ``key`` and its value as ``value`` (with an additional key, ``event_index``, providing the index of the event in the list). .. note:: There is no way to modify content of the instance using the indexing operator ``events[i]``. One must use :meth:`~.EventList.update`. More information on the list of events and their parameters is available in the documentation for class :class:`.Simulator`. """ _map_enum = { 'size': _eggwrapper.Event.change_N, 'migr': _eggwrapper.Event.change_M, 'pair_migr': _eggwrapper.Event.change_Mp, 'growth': _eggwrapper.Event.change_G, 'selfing': _eggwrapper.Event.change_s, 'recombination': _eggwrapper.Event.change_R, 'bottleneck': _eggwrapper.Event.bottleneck, 'admixture': _eggwrapper.Event.admixture, 'sample': _eggwrapper.Event.delayed, 'merge': None } _required_parameters = { # not: T is enforced in add's signature 'size': set(['N']), 'migr': set(['M']), 'pair_migr': set(['src', 'dst', 'M']), 'growth': set(['G']), 'selfing': set(['s']), 'recombination': set(['R']), 'bottleneck': set(['S']), 'admixture': set(['src', 'dst', 'proba']), 'sample': set(['idx', 'label', 'num_chrom', 'num_indiv']), 'merge': set(['src', 'dst']) } _optional_parameters = { 'size': set(['idx']), 'growth': set(['idx']), 'selfing': set(['idx']), 'bottleneck': set(['idx']) } _all_parameters = {} for i in _required_parameters: _all_parameters[i] = _required_parameters[i] | _optional_parameters.get(i, set()) _all_parameters[i].add('T') def __init__(self, npop, add, clear): self._npop = npop self._add = add self._clear = clear self._events = []
[docs] def replace(self, other): """ Replace list of events. Replace own list of events with the one in the :class:`.EventList` instance passed as *other*. The current list of events is dropped. """ self.clear() # let self.clear() call self._clear() for security for event in other: self.add(** event)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear list of events. """ self._clear() # do this first or the Event objects might be garbage-collected! del self._events[:]
def __len__(self): return len(self._events) def __iter__(self): for params, changes in self._events: yield dict(params) def __str__(self): return ('[' + ', '.join([ '<event_index={0};'.format(i) + ';'.join(['{0}={1}'.format(k,v) for (k,v) in d.items()]) + '>' for i, (d, changes) in enumerate(self._events)]) + ']') def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __getitem__(self, i): if i >= len(self._events): raise ValueError('invalid event index') return dict(self._events[i][0])
[docs] def add(self, cat, T, **params): """ Add an event to the list. See the documentation for the class :class:`.Simulator` for more details on what is expected as arguments. :param cat: category of the event. :param T: date of the event. :param params: all needed parameters for this category of events. """ # check that category is valid if cat not in self._all_parameters: raise ValueError('invalid event category: `{0}`'.format(cat)) # check that all required parameters are present if not self._required_parameters[cat].issubset(params): raise ValueError('event `{0}` requires: {1}'.format(cat, ', '.join(self._required_parameters[cat] - set(params.keys())))) # create the required backend objects if cat == 'merge': changes = [_eggwrapper.Event(self._map_enum['admixture'], T)] if (params['src'] < 0 or params['src'] >= self._npop or params['dst'] < 0 or params['dst'] >= self._npop or params['src'] == params['dst']): raise ValueError('invalid population indexes provided for `merge` event') changes[0].set_index(params['src']) changes[0].set_dest(params['dst']) changes[0].set_param(1.0) for i in range(self._npop): if i != params['src']: changes.append(_eggwrapper.Event(self._map_enum['pair_migr'], T)) changes[-1].set_param(0.0) changes[-1].set_index(i) changes[-1].set_dest(params['src']) else: changes = [_eggwrapper.Event(self._map_enum[cat], T)] # add the event to the internal list params['cat'] = cat params['T'] = T self._events.append((params, changes)) params_update = dict(params) # use the update method to set parameters (delete the event in case of an error) del params_update['cat'] del params_update['T'] try: self.update(len(self._events) - 1, **params_update) except ValueError: del self._events[-1] raise # actually add changes to the lower-level Params for change in changes: self._add(change)
[docs] def update(self, event_index, **params): """ Modify any parameter from one of the event of the list. If an event's date is modified, sorting will be updated automatically. :param event_index: index of the event to modify (based on the order in which events have been specified with :meth:`.add`, which is the same order as events appear when representing the instance or iterating). :param params: keyword arguments specifying what parameters to modify. Only parameters that have to be changed should be specified. """ # check index, get category if event_index < 0 or event_index >= len(self._events): raise IndexError('invalid event index') cat = self._events[event_index][0]['cat'] change0 = self._events[event_index][1][0] # not used if complex change # initialize bool to perform ad-hoc tests test1 = False test2 = False # process complex events if cat == 'merge': if 'T' in params: for change in self._events[event_index][1]: change.move(params['T']) if 'src' in params: test2 = True if params['src'] < 0 or params['src'] > self._npop: raise ValueError('event `{0}`, population index out of range'.format(cat)) self._events[event_index][1][0].set_index(params['src']) for change in self._events[event_index][1][1:]: change.set_dest(params['src']) if 'dst' in params: test2 = True if params['dst'] < 0 or params['dst'] > self._npop: raise ValueError('event `{0}`, population index out of range'.format(cat)) self._events[event_index][1][0].set_dest(params['dst']) # process simple events else: # process all parameters and check+set them for key, value in params.items(): if key not in self._all_parameters[cat]: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: unknown parameter: {1}'.format(cat, key)) if key == 'T': if value < 0.0: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: date must be positive'.format(cat)) change0.move(value) elif key == 'N': if value <= 0.0: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: size must be strictly positive'.format(cat)) change0.set_param(value) elif key == 'M': if value < 0.0: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: size cannot be negative'.format(cat)) change0.set_param(value) elif key == 'G': change0.set_param(value) elif key == 's': if value < 0.0 or value > 1.0: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: selfing rate must be between 0 and 1'.format(cat)) change0.set_param(value) elif key == 'R': if value < 0.0: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: recombination rate must be positive'.format(cat)) change0.set_param(value) elif key == 'S': if value < 0.0: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: size must be positive'.format(cat)) change0.set_param(value) elif key == 'proba': if value < 0.0 or value > 1.0: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: probability must be between 0 and 1'.format(cat)) change0.set_param(value) elif key == 'idx': if value < 0 or value > self._npop: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: population index out of range'.format(cat)) change0.set_index(value) elif key == 'src': test2 = True if value < 0 or value > self._npop: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: population index out of range'.format(cat)) change0.set_index(value) elif key == 'dst': test2 = True if value < 0 or value > self._npop: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: population index out of range'.format(cat)) change0.set_dest(value) elif key == 'label': if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError('label must be a string') change0.set_label(value) elif key == 'num_chrom': test1 = True if value < 0: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: number of samples must be positive'.format(cat)) change0.set_number1(value) elif key == 'num_indiv': test1 = True if value < 0: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: number of samples must be positive'.format(cat)) change0.set_number2(value) else: raise RuntimeError('unexpected error') # perform ad-hoc tests if test1 and change0.get_number1() + change0.get_number2() == 0: raise ValueError('event `{0}`: there must be at least one sample'.format(cat)) if test2 and change0.get_index() == change0.get_dest(): raise ValueError('event `{0}`: cannot source/destination populations cannot be the same'.format(cat)) # copy all parameters self._events[event_index][0].update(params)