Source code for

    Copyright 2018-2023 Stephane De Mita, Mathieu Siol

    This file is part of EggLib.

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    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

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    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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import sys
from io import StringIO
from .. import _interface

[docs]def to_ms(aln, outfile, positions=None, alphabet=None, as_codes=False, converter=None, spacer='auto', header='//\n'): """ Export data in the ``ms`` program format. The program is described in Hudson (2002 [*Bioinformatics* **18**: 337-338]). The format is as follows: * One header line with two slashes (can be extended/replaced). * One line with the number of sites * One line with the positions, only if the number of sites is larger than zero. * The matrix of genotypes (one line per sample), only if the number of sites is larger than zero. * One empty line. ``ms`` generates binary data (0/1). This function may export any integer values depending on the data contained in the input object. :param data: :class:`.Align` instance. :param outfile: where to write data. This argument can be (i) a file (or file-like) object open for writing, (ii) the name of a file (which will be created) as a string, or (iii) `None` (in which case the resulting string will be returned). :param positions: list of site positions, with length matching the alignment length. Positions are required to be in the [0,1] range but the order is not checked. By default (if the argument value is ``None``), sites are supposed to be evenly spread over the [0,1] interval. :param alphabet: an :class:`.Alphabet` instance to use instead of the alphabet attached to the input alignment. When using this argument, alleles are transformed using the alphabet provided as argument using a direct mapping of the input alignment alphabet to the provided alphabet. :param as_codes: use the internal alphabet codes for exporting. Useful if a non-int alphabet is used. Ignored if *converter* is used. Not allowed if *alphabet* is used. :param converter: a user-provided function generating the appropriate allelic value based on an input alphabet code. The simple inline example below shows how to convert any missing data to 0 and shift all valid alleles of one unit: ``converter=lambda x: 0 if x<0 else x+1``. :param spacer: insert a space between all genotypes (to separate each locus/site). By default, all genotypes are concatenated as in the standard ``ms`` format. In this case, it is required that all allelic values (or codes if *as_codes* is specified) are >=0 and <10. By default (``"auto"``), the spacer is automatically inserted if the alphabet defines alleles or codes outside the [0, 9] range, or if *converter* is specified. :param header: string to print instead of the two slashes line. Must contain the final new line. :return: A ``ms``-formatted string if *outfile* is ``None``, otherwise ``None``. """ # error checking if not isinstance(aln, _interface.Align): raise TypeError('an Align instance is expected') ls = if positions is not None: if len(positions) != ls: raise ValueError('invalid number of items in the positions list') if min(positions) < 0.0 or max(positions) > 1.0: raise ValueError('out of range item in the positions list') if alphabet is None: alph = aln.alphabet else: if as_codes: raise ValueError('options `as_codes` and `alphabet` are incompatible') alph = alphabet if alph.type not in ['int', 'range'] and converter is None and as_codes == False: raise ValueError('unsupported alphabet type: {0}'.format(alph.type)) if converter is not None and as_codes: raise ValueError('options `as_codes` and `converter` are incompatible') # manage output file if outfile is None: out = StringIO() elif isinstance(outfile, str): out = open(outfile, 'w') else: out = outfile out.write(header) # shows number of sites and site out.write('segsites: {0}\n'.format(ls)) if positions is None: if ls == 0: positions = [] elif ls == 1: positions = [0.5] else: positions = [i / (ls-1) for i in range(ls)] if ls > 0: out.write('positions: {0}\n'.format(' '.join(['{0:.5f}'.format(i) for i in positions]))) else: out.write('\n') # spacer if spacer == 'auto': if converter is not None: spacer = True else: if as_codes: if alph._obj.num_missing() > 0 or alph._obj.num_exploitable() > 10: spacer = True else: spacer = False else: if alph.type == 'range': if alph._obj.min_value() < 0 or alph._obj.max_value() > 9: spacer = True else: spacer = False else: exp, mis = alph.get_alleles() alls = exp + mis if min(alls) < 0 or max(alls) > 9: spacer = True else: spacer = False # export data if converter is not None: f = converter elif as_codes: f = lambda x: x else: f = alph.get_value for i in range(aln.ns): values = tuple(map(f, [aln._obj.get_sample(i, j) for j in range(ls)])) if not spacer and (min(values) < 0 or max(values) > 9): raise ValueError('not printable allele for ms format (you should insert a spacer)') if spacer: out.write(' '.join(map(str, values)) + '\n') else: out.write(''.join(map(str, values)) + '\n') # close file or return string as necessary out.write('\n') if isinstance(outfile, str): out.close() elif outfile is None: return out.getvalue()